Marc Jampole

Marc Jampole reading at the historic Parker House, Boston, March 19, 2009.
Marc Jampole wrote Music from Words, published by Bellday Books (2007). His poetry has appeared in Evansville Review, Mississippi Review, Cortland Review, Vallum, Slant, Cutthroat, Ellipsis and other journals. Over the years, four of his poems have been nominated for the Pushcart Prize. More than 1,500 freelance articles he has written on various topics have been published in magazines and newspapers. Marc also writes the OpEdge blog, which appears on the websites of two national publications.
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 1967-71; B.A. (Honors) summa cum laude in comparative literature; Robert Norris Scholarship for the Outstanding Student, 1971.
University of Washington, Seattle, Washington, 1971-1974; M.A. in comparative literature; completed all course work and took general exams for Ph.D.
Fulbright Fellowship: University of Berlin, West Berlin, Federal Republic of Germany, 1976-77; to conduct independent research in film and literature.
Teaching Experience
University of Washington, Seattle, Washington; 1972-1974: instructor in French literature and French and German languages.
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 1988-1989: adjunct professor of English teaching corporate writing.
Business Career Highlights
- Was the first journalist to report on the impact of the graying of the baby boom on the U.S. (1981) and the transformation of our middle class society into a nation of rich and poor (1982).
- Was nominated for a news Emmy for production of the NBC-TV 1980 presidential election coverage in San Francisco.
- Has operated Jampole Communications, a mid-sized Pittsburgh marketing communications agency for more than 25 years.
- Has won more than 25 national and regional awards for crisis communications, advertising and public relations work.
- Developed and implemented communications plans for three of the largest chapter 11 bankruptcies in U.S. history.